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2023 HKD$5000 Electronic Consumption Voucher Scheme丨FAQ

Registration open for 2023 consumption vouchers for permanent residents, here are some FAQs about applying for the vouchers, scroll down to know more!
▶Does GadgetiCloud accepts Consumption Vouchers to checkout?
▶Which electronic payment systems does Gadgeticloud support?
Online Shop Support:Alipay HK, Tap & Go (via Mastercard), O! ePay, PayMe from HSBC and WeChat Pay HK.
Office Pick-up:Alipay HK, O! ePay, PayMe from HSBC and WeChat Pay HK.
▶Which category of product are available to checkout via consumption voucher?
All categories of product.
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Applying: HK$5,000 Consumption Voucher | FAQ
▶What is a HK$5,000 consumption voucher?
The 2023-24 Budget announced the implementation of a new round of CVS under which consumption vouchers with a total value of HK$5,000 will be disbursed to each eligible person. In Phase I, HK$3,000 consumption voucher will first be disbursed on 16 April to eligible people using the registration information of the 2023 CVS. Eligible people will receive the remaining value disbursed by instalments in Phase II.
▶Who are eligible to be disbursed with the first-instalment
voucher of $3,000 on 16 April?
Hong Kong permanent resident and new arrival (i.e. meeting eligibility criteria (B)(i) or (B)(ii) of the 2022 (Phase II) CVS).
In general, people who have successfully registered under the 2022 CVS will receive the vouchers directly through their registered stored value facility ("SVF") accounts on 16 April 2023. The relevant people will receive SMS notifications or mobile app push notifications on the disbursement day. There is no need to re-register.
▶Who are eligible to be disbursed with the first-instalment
voucher of $1,500 on 16 April?
Eligible person who has come to live in Hong Kong through different admission schemes for talents, professionals and entrepreneurs, and to study in Hong Kong (i.e. meeting eligibility criteria (B)(iii) of the 2022 (Phase II) CVS). All eligible people who have successfully registered under 2022 CVS and met the eligibility criteria (B)(iii) of 2022 (Phase II)
CVS will receive the first-instalment voucher of $1,500 on 16 April.
▶Can eligible people who have not registered under 2022
(Phase II) CVS last year register now to receive the
consumption voucher which has already been disbursed
under 2022 CVS?
The registration period of 2022 (Phase II) CVS has ended. The
consumption voucher will not be reissued to people who have
not registered under 2022 (Phase II) CVS. People may register
for 2023 CVS when the second instalment is launched in the
middle of the year.
▶HK$5,000 Consumption Voucher Disbursement Date and Valid Date
Consumption Voucher Disbursement Date and Valid Date | |
First voucher ($3,000/ $1,500) |
Second voucher ($2,000/$1,000) (provided that the cumulative total "eligible spending" has met the requirement) |
16 April 2023 |
16 July 2023 (provided that the cumulative total "eligible spending" between 16 April 2023 and 30 June 2023 has reached $3,000 or $1,500); or Note: The target cumulative total "eligible spending" to be reached by the people is the value of first-instalment voucher disbursed to them |
Since Octopus has a stored value limit (in general $3,000 at present), people may tap their card for more than once to collect the disbursed first-instalment voucher by the collection deadline (30 September 2023) according to the stored value in the card.
The disbursement, collection (only applicable to Octopus card) and usage as well as the coverage of the vouchers are the same as the arrangements under the 2022 (Phase II) CVS. People can visit the relevant webpage for the necessary information.
The relevant people can collect the first-instalment voucher of $3,000 or $1,500 through the designated channels (click here) after disbursement on 16 April 2023 by tapping their Octopus cards registered under 2022 CVS. If the cumulative total "eligible spending" (click here) has reached no less than $3,000 or $1,500 by the specified date, and the eligibility criteria of 2023 CVS (the relevant eligibility criteria will be announced later) are also met, they will be disbursed with the second-instalment voucher of $2,000 or $1,000 according to the following timetable from 16 July 2023 onwards. Details are as follows:
For more information, please refers to www.consumptionvoucher.gov.hk
▶$5,000 Consumption Voucher Supporting Electronic Payment Systems
- WeChat Pay HK
- Alipay HK
- Tap & Go (MasterCard)
- PayMe from HSBC
- Octopus
(User’s deposit and voucher amount in octopus account and e-wallet will be counted separately)
*Each e-wallet and octopus account can be registered once only.
▶Collection of Phrase 1: HK$3,000 Consumption Voucher
WeChat Pay HK, Alipay HK, PayMe from HSBC and Tap & Go:
Consumption vouchers will, upon verification of the registrants' eligibility, be disbursed to their specified stored value facility accounts according to a specific timetable.
Upon verification of their eligibility, an SMS notification will be sent to them after each disbursement of consumption vouchers. They may tap the registered cards to collect the vouchers at:
- Subsidy Collection Points under the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme at MTR stations, Light Rail Customer Service Centres, designated piers and public transport interchanges
- All outlets of 7-Eleven, Circle K and Wellcome supermarket
- Octopus Service Points
- Octopus App (by tapping cards on mobile phones*)
* Those who have transferred their physical Octopus cards to Octopus card on Mobile (including Octopus on iPhone or Apple Watch, Huawei Pay Octopus or Smart Octopus in Samsung Pay) need not tap their cards.
**Each instalment of consumption vouchers is valid for collection within three months.
▶ Usage of $5,000 Consumption Voucher
Coverage of consumption vouchers:
In general, consumption vouchers can be used at local retail, catering and service outlets or their online platforms which accept payments by Alipay HK, Octopus, Tap & Go, PayMe from HSBC and WeChat Pay HK. Examples include retail shops, market stalls, department stores, supermarkets, convenient stores, restaurants, fast food shops, coffee shops, recreational facilities, beauty salons, public transport, etc.
Excluding the following transaction items:
Payments to the Government, payments to public utilities, payments to public organisations, education expenses, purchase of financial products or services, donation, direct purchases from merchants located outside Hong Kong, person to person payments and encashment.
▶Early registration, early disbursement?
The date of disbursement of consumption vouchers will not be affected by whether registrants submit electronic registration on an earlier or later date within that period.
▶Can the first and second batch of vouchers be used together?
For AlipayHK, Tap & Go, PayMe from HSBC and WeChat Pay HK user:
For Octopus user:
No, due to the limited stored value of Octopus account.
▶Can one register for the Scheme and receive consumption vouchers using another person’s stored value facility account?
Yes. Eligible persons can choose one of the four stored value facilities account designated under the Scheme (including account owned by their family members and friends) to receive and use the consumption vouchers. However, no amendment could be made once the concerned stored value facility account is registered.
▶Consumption vouchers spent on public transportation are eligible for the Public Transport Fare Subsidy Scheme?